Maine Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers
Treatment Centers by City in Maine | Treatment Centers by Service in Maine
- Mayo Regional Hospital - Dover Foxcroft
- Midcoast Hospital - Brunswick
- Midcoast Substance Abuse Counseling - Camden
- Milestone Foundation - Old Orchard Beach
- Naples Counseling Professional Corp - Naples
- Northeast Occupational Exchange - Bangor
- Northeast Occupational Exchange - Newport
- Nova Counseling Services - Bangor
- Open Door Recovery Center - Ellsworth
- Outpatient Chemical Dependency Agency - Bangor
- PARC Program - Rockport
- Partners for Change Inc - Belfast
- Partners for Change Inc - Belfast
- Penobscot Bay Medical Center - Vinalhaven
- Phoenix House of New England - Augusta
- Portland VA Clinic/Chemical Dependency - Portland
- Project Atrium Inc - Bangor
- Project Atrium Inc - Bangor
- Protea Behavioral Health Services - Waterville
- Protea Behavioral Health Services - Bangor
- Protea Behavioral Health Services - Hallowell
- Protea BHS - Steuben
- Protea BHS - Lewiston
- Protea BHS - Lewiston
- Protea BHS - Portland
- Protea BHS - Machias
- Recovery Associates of Southern Maine - Portland
- Recovery Associates of Southern Maine - Windham
- Recovery Associates of Southern Maine - Kennebunk
- Recovery Associates of Southern Maine - Springvale
- Recovery Associates of Southern Maine - Biddeford
- Recovery Associates of Southern ME Inc - Scarborough
- Recovery Center at Mercy Hospital - Westbrook
- Regional Medical - Machias
- Regional Medical Center - Calais
- Regional Medical Center - Lubec
- Regional Medical Center - Calais
- Riverside Community Center Inc - Lincoln
- Rural Family Counseling Inc - Lincoln
- Saint Marys Regional Medical Center - Lewiston
- Sarah A Thacher LADC LCSW - Brunswick
- Searsport Counseling - Farmington
- Searsport Counseling - Skowhegan
- Searsport Counseling Associates - Anson
- Searsport Counseling Associates - Belfast
- Serenity House Inc - Portland
- Shirley Taylor MS LADC - Bangor
- Southwestern Maine Clinical Assoc - Porter
- Spring Harbor Hospital - Westbrook
- Spruce Street Residence - Augusta